Cancer. What a scary word, especially if you or someone you know has fought it. And let’s face it, looking at the statistics, that means most of us! So it’s absolutely stunning that South African Mushroom Farmers’ Association (SAMFA), Thermopac and Pick ’n Pay will again be selling Power of Pink mushroom punnets during October’s Breast Cancer Awareness month. Why the association between breast cancer and mushrooms, you ask? Well, studies from the Beckman Institute at the City of Hope Cancer Centre in California and the University of Australia in Sydney in collaboration with Zhejiang University in China, found that women who eat an average of one mushroom (10gm) per day seem to halve their risk of breast cancer. That’s pretty significant! R1 from every pink punnet of 250g whole white button mushrooms and 250g sliced white button mushrooms sold in Pick ’n Pay will be donated to the breast cancer support group, Reach for Recovery – funds raised last year supplied hundreds of disadvantaged women affected by breast cancer with silicone prostheses. So be kind to yourself and the women who need your help by loading your trolley with a pink punnet or two next time you’re at the shops. We’ll chat more about breast cancer next week, ok?