It’s almost shameful to admit nowadays, but I’m into bread! I spent every morning of our family’s recent vacation stuffing vegetable omelets into the most divine French baguette I’ve ever had, and then getting an extra piece to ply with butter and orange marmalade. I also have a thing for flatbreads. Not the horrible, will-last-for-a-year tortillas you get in supermarkets, but freshly made roti, naan and Turkish flatbreads. My newest passion, however, is making quick flatbreads on the braai, of all things. The smoky char is incredible. And my list of toppings is endless: boiled eggs, hummus, capers and onions; sautéed mushrooms, masses of fresh herbs and avocado; mushrooms and scrambled egg with chilli; tomato chilli jam and Gruyere cheese… What can I say, bread: it’s just wonderful with everything!